Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Buddhism inspiration: Posters and Art Prints

Buddhism posters and Buddha art prints

I just love Buddha posters and posters devoted to Buddhism in general. They always look so peaceful and calm. The best ones, I think, also include some spiritual saying or quote from the Buddhist tradition.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Most popular books by J. Krishnamurti

Krishnamurti's books were usually compiled by others from his talks. Below you will find introductions to his work, but also deeper philosophic reflection and specific themes. Learn about God, relationships and the nature of experience - as well as about the main topic Krishnamurti talked about: how to live.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Theosophy and the Theosophical Society

The Theosophical Society was founded in 1875 at a time when the West was just becoming seriously aware of the existence of religions and people elsewhere. Intelligent people could no longer classify Islam as devilish for instance, or Hinduism as barbaric. But what then? The serious study of religion was started at universities - the first professor of comparative religion got his post in 1875.

Karma and reincarnation facts - about good and evil

Karma and reincarnation are related beliefs that have been popular in India and surrounding countries for a very long time.

Karma means action. The idea is, at it's simplest, that good is rewarded and evil punished. Or more practically put: selfishness is punished and unselfishness rewarded. The Dalai Lama puts it even more radically: From the perspective of karma it is selfish to help others, because that will be rewarded.

Belief in karma means that reincarnation follows logically: otherwise the actions done just before death would not have their logical result.

New Buddhism Links blog

Universal Buddhism - promises to be an interesting collection of links about Buddhism. So far Thich Nhat Hanh, Zen and Buddhist quotes are found.