Thursday, April 26, 2007


Buddhism is one type of religion / spirituality that is very popular in the west - especially with people who have outgrown the religion they grew up with, yet haven't chosen an organized religion to replace it.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Modern Theosophy

Theosophy is divine (theos) wisdom (sophia). Theosophists are those who seek this divine wisdom. Divine knowledge is beyond the mind (manas) - and is called Buddhi in Sanskrit. It implies that beyond logical thought is real truth. This truth is accessible through intuition - and has as much to do with mystical experience as it has to do with objective truth.

More on Modern Theosophy

Modern theosophist generally believe in karma and reincarnation. This belief is not mandatory, because theosophists are free to believe in whatever they choose to.

Well known theosophists include H.P. Blavatsky, H.S. Olcott, C.W. Leadbeater and Annie Besant.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Religion and Spirituality

religion and spirituality are two very related terms. Religion often stands for a more organised, social happening. Spirituality implies a 'spiritual' experience, internal motivations and inspiriation. The two can't really be separated.